Even in all that darkness, anybody else would have seen the roadblock coming for miles. As I navigated a sharp curve through some drinkwater border town, a squad car appeared directly in my path. I squealed on the brakes, sending my gun flying out of reach -- and my head smashing against the wheel.

"Get out of the truck." He kicked open the door with his weapon trained on me, and I slipped out with my hands up -- standing before him sparkling like a life-sized chandelier. "What the hell are you wearing?" Rings twinkled on every finger and toe, my ankles manacled by fiery gemstones with a matching collar gripping my neck.

He turned me around, tickling my back with the cold butt of his service revolver. "Is it really necessary to strip search a girl in a rope bikini?" He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. "Enough talking. You and I have done way too much of that." He reached an arm around to yank back my hips, my hands clinging to the driver's side door through the open window. I could see my loaded gun splayed out on the floorboard. "Wait. Maybe we can make an arrangement."
"Grow up, princess. It's not the diamonds I'm after." He whisked a switchblade from his pocket to slash off my bikini with two quick cuts, scattering them all to the ground like a sprinkle of rain. I screamed, but he put one hand over my mouth, reaching the other around my sparkling throat. "Don't make this hard," he said, releasing the hand on my neck to brush over my breasts. "Not unless you like it like that." My nipples grew hard in his teasing fingers, as he gyrated against me from behind. His hand moved down, tracing my ribcage, my belly, each of my quivering hipbones -- igniting a series of tiny shock waves. He paused between my legs, unleashing a wave of slippery heat. "Who's the liar now?"
"Still you," I said. "You can't rape a girl saying yes." I bit his finger and he let go of my mouth to better hear me moan. "Wait." I maneuvered around, opening the door of the pick-up to lie across the bench. "At least look at me after all this time." I laid back with my legs over his shoulders, throwing my arms over my head to finally invite him deep inside me. Feeling the outline of my gun in an outstretched hand, though, I had a sudden change of heart about who got to run things and how. Guns will do that to a girl. I picked it up and jammed it into his forehead -- cocking the trigger. He paused to catch his breath. "You sure you want to shoot me right now?"
"It was fun while it lasted, sir, but you never want to get between a girl and her bling." I pulled the trigger. BOOM.
It wasn't loud enough to jolt me out of my sleep, unfortunately, because Rita's pain-in-the-ass ghost was sitting next to me in my sweltering little Mexican prison cell, rolling her eyes. "You call that a sex dream?" she said. "You didn't even cum." I was too out of it to argue with her, and really, what was the point of waking up and smelling the cafe con leche? I looked out a tiny window to the swaying coconut palms lining the distant coastline. "Maybe he'll come get me for real," I said.

I bolted upright. "You knew A.K.?" She threw her head back and laughed, gesturing to the bag Special Agent Knowles had covertly passed to me -- complete with that loaded gun concealed in an unassuming toothbrush.
It finally hit me that someone very highly skilled had to have equipped Rita with that crazy spy stuff Atti and I found in her cosmetics bag. "Rita, you poor dead bitch," I whispered. "You were working for the FBI."